Moving and Resizing Clusters

Resizing Clusters

Selecting one or more nodes in a cluster and then dragging them will cause the cluster annotation to resize. To select a single node, simply click on it. To add more nodes to the selection hold Ctrl (or Cmd on mac) and then click on the additional nodes.

Before Select Drag
resize_before resize_select resize_after

Moving Clusters

Selecting all of the nodes in a cluster and then dragging will cause the cluster annotation to move along with the nodes.

Before Select Drag
move_before move_select move_after

Selecting Clusters

There are a few ways to select all the nodes in a cluster.

  • Click on the name of a cluster in the AutoAnnotate panel.
  • Right-click on any node in the cluster. In the menu select Apps > AutoAnnotate - Select Cluster.
  • Hold Shift and draw a selection rectangle around the cluster. In Cytoscape version 3.10 or later you can hold Ctrl-Shift (or Cmd-Shift on mac) and draw a selection lasso around the cluster.
Selection Rectangle (Shift) Selection Lasso (Ctrl-Shift)
select_rectangle select_lasso

Adjusting Padding

The size of a cluster annotation can be adjusted using the Padding slider in the AutoAnnotate Display panel.

Before After
padding_before padding_after